Genre : Drama Starcast : Vansh Bhardwaj, Tina Desai, Anupam Kher, Kiran Juneja, Sharat Saxena, Yashpal Sharma, Neena Kulkarni, Vipin Sharma, Parvin Dabbas Desc : Sahi Dhandhe Galat Bande is the story of a gang comprising four friends- Rajbir (Parvin Dabas), Sexy (Vansh Bharadwaj), Ambani (Ashish Nayyar) and Doctor (Kuldip Ruhil), who are assigned a ``job`` which will give them enough money to see all their dreams come true, however to achieve this, they will have to fight their conscience and their village, Kanjhawla. Duration : 2hrs Size : 139 mb Sahi.Dhandhe.Galat.Bande-DVDSCR-Deadman-1.avi Sahi.Dhandhe.Galat.Bande-DVDSCR-Deadman-2.avi HOME |